Revolusi '48 (2008) Documentary Trailer

Favorite Quotations : Fahmi Rezza

"In nation building, the students must ally themselves with the masses, the peasants and the workers. Nowhere in the world has it been shown that students by themselves can be a really effective force." -- Khong Kim Hoong, Presiden Majlis ke-10 UMSU, Ogos 1969

"Basically adherents of Student Power wanted change, change in society and particularly change in the out-moded institutions of Government and Education." -- N. Paramsothi, Setiausaha Penerbitan Majlis ke-7 UMSU, 1969

"Demokrasi kampus adalah satu konsep yang amat dihargai oleh mahasiswa dan jangan kita sekali-kali, tak kira apa rintangan, biarkan ia mati."-- Syed Hamid Ali, Setiausaha Umum Majlis ke-10 UMSU, 20 Mei 1969

Dokumentari oleh Fahmi Rezza : Rakaman terima kasih Rawskins (p.s : Tidak mampu bayar untuk dokumentari Hak Cipta )